Thursday, June 23, 2011

Chair makeover- First timer ( a Tutorial ?)

i love to read about furniture makeover ( sebulan dua nih! )
and few days ago terjumpa thiss blog sori...tak ingat
and there was the tutorial yg dicari2.....

kerusi makeover!

bahan experimen adalah kerusi kecil budak nih...
I hate when this happened..


    Barang2 yg diperlukan:
  • stappler besar - bole di beli pasaraya ( Mine- Rm 15 )
  • PU/ Pvc- ( i used PU , a very soft soft one RM18 per 1/2 mtr )
  • Gunting
  • Glue Gun
  • Pemutar skru

Lets begin.......

1. Disassemble

Inspect kerusi.....mine jenis guna skru yg kena putar dalam lubang
Longgar  dan letak tepi--

2. Kita mula dengan bahagian seat dulu

Ambil PU dan ukur agak2  keluasan yg perlu dipotong

3. Mula staple pada bahagian tepi ( this is the fun part )
--- no rush, take your time..

 4. Untuk bahagian corner, lipat secara kemas and staple
(hmm...i dont know how to explain this--self exploratory ! )

 5. Kemaskan dan seat siap !

6. Lets move on....bhgn body

Saya koyakkan semua PU yg asal, tinggal bhgn sponge shj

7. Ambil PU, terbalikkan dan ukur badan kerusi

Ambil jarum dan sematkan PU kiri dan kanan badan kerusi
Then lukis  line kiri dan kanan mengikut jarum tadi

 like this... 
8. ..and jahit kiri and kanan atas line tadi


                                  Acu cuba try test pada body kerusi- muat tak?
                                  Kalau longgar, bole jait lagi sehingga padan

Next step..

9. Square kan bucu atas kiri dan kanan, dan potong

( gambar contoh, terlupa snap )
                           Terbalikkan PU yg dijahit dan pasang pada body kerusi

                               This is to show good and bad 'squaring'

Body siap !

  Opps! Cacat !

Bila dah siap baru nampak...
 tersalah potong pendek pulak bawah!


10. Assemble

                                   Ok...secrew balik semua bahagian kerusi

     ( jangan lupa tebuk lubang screw jika terbalut dengan PU tadi, jika tidak screw tak boleh masuk ! )

 Lebihan PU saya gunting jd flower dan lekatkan button,
 terus tampal pada bahagian cacat tadi ( kiri dan kanan )
( all using glue gun )




 Sorry for all the bahasa rojak
This is my first try and my first tutorial !

Selamat mencuba!


Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Maxi !

    Yesss....barjaya jait my own MAXI .....!

I love maxi

my closets- full of maxi
most of them tempah jait kat tailor...kalau pegi kedai kain..mata melilau mencari kain suitable for maxi
most are lycra, jersey and cotton ( bidang 60')

I don't have the guts to sew my own maxi until i saw
a tut in Sew homegrown

and i found this lycra/jersy at Nagoya -Sale rm11.90 per meter--bought 3 mtrs

and try..try....
...ukur, potong, jahit...! (takde sambung kire mALAS LAH)

and U Can Do it !

      aLSO testing jait baju  kain denim lebihan daripada maxi..
 My tailor selalu simpan lebihan kain  for me
Oklah kan...pakai dok dlm rumah....


Friday, June 17, 2011

Gerhana Bulan 15 June 2011

Longest Total Lunar Eclipse in 11 Years 

Skywatcher Derek Keats of Johannesburg, South Africa snapped this photo of the total lunar eclipse of June 15, 2011 with a Canon EOS 50D camera.
CREDIT: Derek Keats 
for more info go to


                        News of eclipse 15 June 2011 

Total Lunar Eclipse 15 june 2011  (Reuters-Nir Elias)
Millions of people were able to view the longest Total Lunar Eclipse in over ten years, lasting a cool 100 minutes; another words a whooping
1 hour and 40 minutes of totality. A wonderful and beautiful crimson red Moon greeted all those who peered towards the south eastern sky and were rewarded by our humble Moon looking radient and majestic displaying a magnificent red.

But Why does the Moon turn Red?

One may have thought that when the Moon drifts deep into the huge shadow cast out into Space by Earth, that the Moon should really become invisible for the duration whilst deep in Earth's umbra shadow, and so it would but for the fact of Earth's atmosphere; light from the Sun strikes Earth's atmosphere and dust particiles, water molecules and any volcanic ash floating around in the atmosphere refracts the light and hits the Moons lunar surface changing its appearance from the usual white to a majestic colour red, which is then reflected back to Earth.1

Ade sape sempat tgk gerhana bulan ?
Saya tak sempat ....

...............When is next eclipse?


              21 May 2012.00

eclipse path 


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Kain askar

My eldest son pakse beli kain askar- suruh buat baju....

Beli kain 1 mtr di Nagoya...RM10 kalu tak silap


jadilah...ala2 vest gitu utk 2 hero ( sebab tak pandai jahit baju)

topi tak masuk yer...beli jer....


Saturday, June 11, 2011

All the first(s), makeover and Crafty.aniQue GA

Yesterday...teringat bantal si bongsu dah lamo tak inilah hasilnye

Ni saje nak tebeng ( tunjuk baju) first time try komfortabel..huhu

Made this apron for my gift
Selamat pengantin baru Puan Fadhilah!

buat bentuk love gitu...guna bakrum..idea spontan


Makeover kusyen setee

kusyen asal- so Ugly
baru dapat setee ni - a gift few days ago
w/pun tak suka perabot kalo free- "Aiman tak kesaaahhh..!"

After...ingat nak jait jer butang tu, tp jarum pendek pulok
last...tampal ngan glue gun jer
Guna kain velvet murah jer nih...

Crafty Anique GA

suka yg ni...T for tree


1. Saya suka sangat kusyen ni sejak first time tengok dulu
   2. Saya tak pandai nak buat /jahit macam nih..huhu

Harap2 ler dapat

come and join!



( sori..ter excited)