Wednesday, May 23, 2012


Good bye my my Janome...
banyak sungguh jasa mu....


can't wait for this .......lambatnya nak sampai ...isk isk..


Friday, May 18, 2012

Free printable--Teachers Day Card

I LOVE free printables.......really.

Lil Blue Boo is having Stephanie Corfee( freelance artist and designer ), as the contributing author and its free teachers day card printable!

U can visit the post in LBB here

Thanx !

download & print
 i think my pink ink is blocked, so the colours doesn't turn out as it suppose to be
anyway it's still pretty 


fold the flap first, so that u can easily estimate where to fold the card

Siap !


Sunday, May 13, 2012

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Fabric = JOY

 YEHAAA...baru sampai today...dah lama puasa nih....
from D'amani cottontherapy...

yea...for the boyssss

so big! so beatiful !

My other feverets.....dah lama simpan....

Anak saya tanye............mami beli kain banyak2 lepas tu tak jait kenape??

