Saturday, April 16, 2011

MY Amelie Bag

Di tgh kesibukan and feeling annoyed at my workplace, i did something unthinka-ble

Lepas mengajar /preparing my 2 son yesterday( for exams next week)
 i opened a Paypal acct.
 i bought the Amelie bag pattern! u can buy the beautiful pattern here ( Geta's quilting studio )----------------- sewing til  2.30 am.
I LOVE the front pockets- really want use it to replace my heavy leather office bag.
Fully interfaced.

At least for myself----puas hati- al maklumlah--self learner, internet jadi Cekgu !

my first zippered pocket 

 lining - canvas

i add another zippered poket ( ketagih dah nih )

exterior - linens

 my first applique- bantal si bongsu

sakit mata, guna foot biase
( beli mesin more than 6 months, tak dapat semua foot lagi ..arrghhhh )


*not satisfied with the quality of the pics taken--beza sakan dgn DSLR :(

Chow...more work to do ( e- filing ,more patient for research...bla bla )



  1. cantik beg tu... :D
    akak guna mesin jahit apa? kalo applique tu, saya selalu guna button hole stitch, pastu adjust panjang pendek jahitan... :) tapak masih yang sama untuk jahit lurus.

  2. HI MamaDaniel...

    Guna mesin Janome, beli 6 bln lepas, sempat attend 2 kali jer kelas:P
    ...tgh gila applique lo ni, hope to learn from u as well :)
